The Perks of Being a Cat Mom

The Travelling Pixie in London The Perks of Being a Cat Mom I grew up with dogs throughout my childhood and teen years, right up to when I left Hong Kong to study abroad in England.  I have to say, one of the toughest moments of being away from home is actually being away from…


The Travelling Pixie in London An Interview w/ CINDY ZHANG Throughout the production of ‘Wasted’ – Fashion & Dance Concept Video and the UALHKS VShow, I’ve met the magnificently talented leather accessories designer Cindy Zhang.  After the late night rehearsals, Cindy and I would take the DLR together home, and we’d end up talking about endless topics on…

My First Book Binding Attempt

The Travelling Pixie’s Handicrafts  My First Book Binding Attempt  It’s always a hassle when deadlines are coming up and you have to hand in your A3 sized workbook, but then you realize that most of the print shops don’t do thermal binding for A3 size unless you give them sufficient time in advance! Well, having…

The Romance of Handmade Gifts

The Travelling Pixie in London The Romance of Handmade Gifts I simply love receiving handmade gifts no matter how tiny the gift is because the underlying meaning is that – you have a place in the heart of the person who made the gift for you.  Even a simple hand drawn and handwritten card is…

Year of the Ram

The Travelling Pixie in London Year of the Ram Today is the seventh Day into Chinese New Year, we call it 人日 –  meaning everyone’s birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU! I was born in the year of the Ram – and yes that means I’m soon to be 24. Having been in…

The Black Dog in Life.

The Travelling Pixie in London The Black Dog in Life. I recently came across the I had a Black Dog, his name was Depression campaign for World Mental Health Day by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with Matthew Johnstone. As a fellow sufferer of depression and anxiety, I was lucky to have sought help before…